P-06-1448 Stop pollution at Watchtower Bay and Ogmore by Sea - Correspondence from the Petitioner, 02 July 2024


Dear Petitions Committee,


We would like to thank the Minister for his reply but we wish to bring the following to the attention of the members of the Petitions Committee:

1. Testing of water quality only takes place during the summer months, yet the rise in popularity of cold water swimming means that our rivers and seas are used throughout the year. Therefore to ensure that our marine and river wildlife, as well as swimmers and water sports people, are appropriately protected we believe that the testing should be carried out throughout the year.

2. The Knap lake has a large resident population of swans and other waterfowl and this water exits onto Watchtower beach. Therefore it seems sensible to ensure that this water is treated, which we presume is the responsibility of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

Finally I would also update members that Barry Action for Nature and the Watchtower Waders have recently held a demonstration at the Watchtower to highlight their call for action, using the slogan "Just stop the crap!".

We hope your committee will support us to ensure that action is urgently taken to improve the water quality at both these locations in the Vale of Glamorgan.


Rob Curtis 

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